Baker Island Map

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| By Rajesh

Baker Island Map - File Information

Map NameBaker Island Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height729 Pixels
Image Width566 Pixels

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Baker Island Map - Summary

We are providing the Baker Island map in PDF, WEBP, PNG, and JPG formats. To download the Island map of Baker go with the given link below.

This is Baker Island Map. The United States Pacific Wildlife Refuge or Baker Island map, showing the central Pacific Ocean, with seven insets highlighting the many islands that make up the United States Pacific Wildlife Refuge. Baker Island lies almost midway between Hawaii and Australia.

Baker Island is an uninhabited atoll located in the central Pacific Sea, around 3,100 kilometers southwest of Honolulu, Hawaii. It is the portion of the United States Minor Outlying Islands, a group of islands and atolls that are managed by the United States but are not part of any state or territory. Baker Island has a total land zone of roughly 1.4 square kilometers and is encompassed by a coral reef.

Baker Island was first discovered by Europeans in 1818 when the American captain Michael Baker came across the island while on a whaling voyage. The island was later attached by the United States in 1856 but was not authoritatively claimed until 1935.

Nowadays, Baker Island is a secured wildlife sanctuary and is overseen by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The island is domestic to an assortment of seabirds, counting the masked booby, brown noddy, and dirty tern. Green ocean turtles also nest on the island’s beaches.

Due to its remote location and need for infrastructure, Baker Island is not accessible to the common open. The island does not have a lasting population or any facilities, aside from a small weather station that’s staffed occasionally by researchers.

Baker Island is eminent for its centrality in the International Date Line. The island is found on the line, which characterizes the boundary between calendar dates. Since of its location, Baker Island is one of the primary places in the world to celebrate each new day.

The Baker Island map helps you to know more about the Island in detail. You can also check the Bahamas map and the World Political map.

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