Christmas Island Map

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| By Rajesh

Christmas Island Map - File Information

Map NameChristmas Island Map
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Christmas Island Map - Summary

We are providing the Christmas Island map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and WEBP formats. To download the Christmas Island map, go with the given link below.

The Christmas Island Map. This map shows Flying Fish Cove also called The Settlement, the capital of the Island, the Australian territory in the Indian Ocean.

Christmas Island is an Australian territory located in the Indian Ocean, roughly 350 kilometers south of Indonesia. The island is known for its interesting common environment, counting its noteworthy wildlife and stunning coral reefs. Here are a few key actualities approximately Christmas Island:

Christmas Island covers an area of roughly 135 square kilometers, and its most noteworthy point is Murray Hill, which comes to a height of 357 meters. The island is encompassed by profound waters and steep cliffs, making it troublesome to access by boat.

Christmas Island was first discovered by Europeans in 1643, and it was afterward utilized as a British colony in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During World War II, the island was possessed by the Japanese, who used it as a strategic base. In 1958, Christmas Island was exchanged to Australian control and has remained an Australian territory ever since.

As of 2021, the populace of Christmas Island is approximately 1,800 individuals, with the majority being of Chinese or Malay descent. English is the official dialect, but numerous inhabitants also speak Malay and Chinese lingos. The island has an assorted social legacy, with impacts from Malaysia, China, and Western nations.

Christmas Island is known for its special and delicate biological system. The island is secured in thick rainforest and is domestic to an assortment of endemic plant and creature species, counting the Christmas Island red crab, which is celebrated for its yearly movement to the ocean. The encompassing waters are also home to an assorted extent of marine life, counting sharks, dolphins, and colorful fish. The island’s coral reefs are some of the most flawless and different in the world.

The economy of Christmas Island is largely dependent on phosphate mining, which has been a major industry on the island since the early 20th century. The island also has a small tourism industry, with guests coming to appreciate the normal magnificence and special wildlife.

There are no coordinated flights to Christmas Island, and the island can only be reached by boat or through interfacing flights from Australia or Malaysia. The island features a small airport, but most transport on the island is by car or motorbike.

Christmas Island is a special and lovely Australian territory, known for its wealthy social legacy and assorted common environment. Despite its little estimate and confinement, the island features a wealthy history and economy, and its interesting environment is domestic to an assortment of uncommon and endangered species.

Using the Christmas Island map you will learn more about the Island in detail. You can download the Chin map and the Chile map.

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