Basti District Map

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Basti District Map - File Information

Map Name Basti District Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1684 Pixels
Image Width1190 Pixels
Category India

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Basti District Map - Summary

You can download the Basti District map in PDF, PNG, JPEG, and many other formats using the given link. Basti district is located in the north-eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India, and is a part of the Basti Division.

The district has a rich historical and mythological significance, with its origin attributed to the fact that this area was the Ashram of Rishi Vashistha, where Lord Rama and his younger brother Laxman are believed to have spent some time.

The district is surrounded by Sant Kabir Nagar on the east, Gonda on the west, Ghaghara River on the south, and Siddharth Nagar on the north. It has a total area of 2,688 square kilometers and is situated between the parallels of 26° 23′ and 27° 30′ North latitude and 82° 17′ and 83° 20′ East longitude.

The district is known for its cultural and historical heritage, and it offers a blend of natural beauty and religious significance. Some of the notable tourist attractions in the district include Chando Tal, Barah Village, Badeshwar Nath Temple, and Rashtriya Van Chetna Kendra. The district is also home to various educational institutions, including a medical college and an engineering college.

You can check the Basti tourist map and

In terms of demographics, Basti had a population of 2,464,464 as per the 2011 census, with a population density of 920 per square kilometer. The district had a sex ratio of 963 females for every 1000 males and a literacy rate of 67.2%. The majority of the population speaks Hindi, with Urdu, Awadhi, and Bhojpuri being the additional official and regional languages.

The district is well-connected by road and rail, and the economy is primarily agrarian, with a focus on crops such as sugarcane, paddy, and wheat. The district has a significant rural population, with a relatively low percentage of the population living in urban areas.

Basti is known for its vibrant local culture, traditional crafts, and religious festivals, making it a unique and culturally rich destination in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

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