Coral Sea Islands Map

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| By Rajesh

Coral Sea Islands Map - File Information

Map NameCoral Sea Islands Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.67 MB
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PNG Size3.64 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3840 Pixels
Image Width2715 Pixels

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Coral Sea Islands Map - Summary

We are providing the Coral Sea Islands map in PDF, WEBP, THUMBNAIL, JPG, and PNG formats. Download the Coral Sea Islands map by using the given link below.

The Coral Sea Islands Territory is an external territory of Australia that comprises a group of small and mostly uninhabited tropical islands and reefs in the Coral Sea, northeast of Queensland, Australia. The only inhabited island is Willis Island.

The Coral Sea Islands are a group of small and generally uninhabited tropical islands and reefs found in the Coral Sea, northeast of Australia.

The Coral Sea Islands Region is an outside territory of Australia, meaning it isn’t a portion of any state or region, and is instep managed by the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Territorial Development, and Communications.

The Coral Sea Islands cover a range of roughly 780,000 square kilometers, but the entire arrival region is only about 10 square kilometers. The islands and reefs are the portion of the Great Boundary Reef and are located on the edge of the mainland rack, which drops off steeply into the deep ocean.

The biggest island within the gather is Willis Island, which is almost 4 hectares in the estimate and is domestic to a climate station that’s staffed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Other islands within the bunch incorporate Heron Island, Reptile Island, and Osprey Reef.

The Coral Ocean Islands have a wealthy biodiversity and are domestic to an assortment of marine life, counting numerous species of angels, turtles, and coral. The islands are moreover an important breeding ground for seabirds.

Due to their inaccessible location and need for foundation, the Coral Ocean Islands are not a prevalent traveler destination. However, they are a prevalent goal for scuba plunging and snorkeling due to the clear waters and copious marine life.

In 2004, the Australian Government established the Coral Ocean Commonwealth Marine Save, which covers a region of approximately 1 million square kilometers and incorporates the Coral Sea Islands. The reserve is domestic to numerous species of marine life, counting a few species of sharks, whales, and dolphins.

The Coral Sea Islands are a farther and generally uninhabited group of tropical islands and reefs located in the Coral Ocean. They are an important breeding ground for marine life and are secured as the portion of the Coral Ocean Commonwealth Marine Save.

The Coral Sea Islands map helps you to know more about the Coral Sea Islands in detail. You can also check the Cook Islands map and the Republic of the Congo map.


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