Godavari River Map

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| By Rajesh

Godavari River Map - File Information

Map NameGodavari River Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.48 MB
PDF Size0.96 MB
JPG Size2.84 MB
PNG Size7.77 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2829 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels

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Godavari River Map - Summary

We are providing the Godavari River map in PDF, PNG, WEBP, and PNG. To download the River map of Godavari go through the given link below.

The Godavari River is one of the longest rivers in India, with a length of over 1,450 km. It is additionally known as Dakshin Ganga or the Ganges of the South. The river starts in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra and flows through the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Odisha before finally emptying into the Bay of Bengal.

The Godavari River is respected as a sacred river in Hinduism, and numerous important journey sites are found along its banks. The Kumbh Mela, which is one of the biggest religious gatherings in the world, is held every 12 years at the confluence of the Godavari and the Krishna rivers in Nashik, Maharashtra.

The river plays an essential part in the agricultural economy of the region, and its basin is one of the most agriculturally productive regions in India. The river is a major source of the water system for the encompassing farmland and supports a wide extend of crops, counting rice, sugarcane, and cotton.

The Godavari River basin is additionally home to a few important wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, such as the Papi Hills Wildlife Sanctuary and the Kinnerasani Natural life Sanctuary. The river and its tributaries support a diverse extent of aquatic life, including several species of fish and turtles.

The Godavari River has confronted a extend of environmental challenges, including pollution, over-extraction of water for irrigation, and the development of dams and floods that have affected the river’s flow and ecosystem. To address these challenges, the Indian government has launched a few activities to restore the river’s health and advance sustainable development in the region.

The Godavari River is an imperative asset for the individuals and environments of the locale, playing a basic part in farming, religion, and the environment. While it faces numerous challenges, efforts are underway to ensure and protect this important river and ensure its long-term sustainability.

By using the Godavari River map, you will know more about the river’s location in detail. You can also check the Ganga river map and the Chadder frozen river trek map.

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