India Physical Map

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| By Rajesh

India Physical Map - File Information

Map Name India Physical Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.79 MB
PDF Size14.23 MB
JPG Size3.16 MB
PNG Size8.16 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2560 Pixels
Image Width2316 Pixels
Category Master Plans

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India Physical Map - Summary

If you want to download the India physical map PNG, JPG, WEBP, PDF, and some other formats. You are in the right place, you can easily download the physical map of India easily from here.

A physical map of India shows all the physical divisions of the seventh-largest country in the world. The topographical features of the country are quite varied. These high-quality and informative maps help you understand all the topographical features of India.

The Himalayan mountain range, extending over 2,500 km and includes some of the world’s most elevated crests such as Mount Everest, which overwhelms the northern part of India. It is additionally the source of several major rivers in India, including the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus.

Moving south of the Himalayas, the Indian subcontinent is characterized by the broad Indo-Gangetic Plain. This region is one of the foremost in the world, accommodating over 40% of India’s population. The plan is shaped by the alluvial deposits of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and their tributaries.

In the west of India, the Aravalli Extend and the Thar Desert are the prevailing features. On the other hand, the eastern portion of the nation is marked by the Deccan Plateau, which is bounded by the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats mountain ranges.

India boasts a tremendous coastline that extends over 7,500 km, with several noteworthy ports and harbors. The country’s islands, such as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, are moreover an essential part of its geology.

By using this Indian physical map you will know more about India country. You can save this map for later from here. You can also check the India political map and India outline map here.

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