India Political Map Blank A4 Size

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| By Pradeep Ronze

India Political Map Blank A4 Size - File Information

Map Name India Political Map Blank A4 Size
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1414 Pixels
Image Width1200 Pixels
Category India

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India Political Map Blank A4 Size - Summary

India is a really big country in South Asia. It’s like a giant playground with lots of different areas to explore. Imagine a place so big that it’s the seventh-largest in the world! India has many mountains, rivers, and even deserts. It’s not just big but also has many different kinds of places.

In India, there are 28 states and 8 areas called union territories. States are like big neighborhoods, and each one has its own rules and leaders. The capital of India, where the main leaders stay, is called New Delhi. It’s a very important city.

India is also special because it has so many people living there. It’s like the second-biggest family in the world! And it’s known as the biggest place where everyone gets to vote and choose their leaders.

Now, let’s look at some cool facts about India:

  • Size: It’s really, really big – 3.28 million square kilometers!
  • People: It’s the most populated country, which means it has lots and lots of people.
  • Beaches: India has a really long coastline, which is 7,517 kilometers. That’s a lot of beaches!

And here is a small table with some information:

Fact About India
Total Area 3.28 million square km
Number of States 28
Number of Territories 8
Capital City New Delhi
Coastline Length 7,517 kilometers

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