Kerala Road Map

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| By Rajesh

Kerala Road Map - File Information

Map NameKerala Road Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.05 MB
PDF Size0.07 MB
JPG Size0.06 MB
PNG Size0.55 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height922 Pixels
Image Width700 Pixels

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Kerala Road Map - Summary

We are providing the Kerala road map in PNG, JPG, PDF, and many other formats. You can download the Road map of Kerala by using the given link below.

Kerala has 145,704 km of roads which consists of 4.2% of India’s total roadways. The road density of Kerala is about four times the national average, reflecting the high population density of the state.

Kerala has a well-developed organize of roads, with a add up to road length of over 145,000 kilometers. The roads in Kerala can be classified into four categories: national highways, state highways, district roads, and village roads.

The national highways in Kerala are managed by the National Highways Specialist of India (NHAI) and connect Kerala to other parts of the country. There are 13 national highways that pass through Kerala, covering a total length of over 1,700 kilometers.

State highways are the moment most critical category of roads in Kerala and connect the major towns and cities inside the state. Kerala has over 1,500 kilometers of state highways, managed by the Kerala Public Works Department (PWD).

District roads are managed by the respective district PWD workplaces and interface with smaller towns and villages inside the district. Kerala has over 5,000 kilometers of district roads.

Town roads are the littlest category of roads in Kerala and interface personal towns and villages. They are managed by local bodies, such as gram panchayats or municipalities.

Kerala moreover contains a well-developed network of expressways and bypasses that offer assistance to ease traffic clogs in major cities and towns. The state has a few toll plazas, overseen by the NHAI, that collect tolls from vehicles using the national highways.

The Kerala road map helps you to know more about the Kerala state roads in detail. You can also check the Kerala map and the Kerala district map.

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