Basti Master Plan Map

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| By Rajesh

Basti Master Plan Map - File Information

Map Name Basti Master Plan Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.77 MB
PDF Size0.52 MB
JPG Size2.81 MB
PNG Size8.63 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2094 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels
Category Master Plans

Basti Master Plan Map - Preview

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Basti Master Plan Map - Summary

We are providing the Basti Master Plan map in PDF, JPG, PNG, WEBP, and some other formats. You can easily download the master plan map of Basti by using the given link below.

The master plan map of Basti is purposed by Town and Country Planning Department, Uttar Pradesh. Gorakhpur Divisional Planning Block.

Basti is situated on the Eastern part of U.P. at the intersection of Gorakhpur – Lucknow National highway no.28 and Kuano river. Basti became the Tehsil headquarters and in 1865 it was chosen as the headquarters of the newly established district.

The list of the works that will be completed in this project are

  • Gramin Aabadi
  • Residential
  • Market Street
  • Park
  • Forest Area
  • Railway Station
  • Exited Road
  • Proposed Road
  • Bus Stand
  • Transport Nagar
  • Railway Line
  • Police Station
  • Power Station
  • Fire Station
  • Post Office
  • Central Functions
  • Government Offices
  • Collage
  • Schools
  • Hospital
  • Temples
  • Social Afforestation
  • Agricultural
  • Canal, Drain
  • River
  • Village  Boundary
  • Nagar Palika Boundary
  • Development Boundary

The Basti master plan map helps you to know more about the town in detail. You can save this map for later from here. Also, you can check the  Prayagraj master plan map and the Meerut development master plan map.


Basti Master Plan Map - Download Links

  • WEBP 1.77MB
  • PDF 0.52MB
  • JPG 2.81MB
  • PNG 8.63MB
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