Bharatmala Project Map

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| By Rajesh

Bharatmala Project Map - File Information

Map Name Bharatmala Project Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.06 MB
PDF Size2.55 MB
JPG Size2.08 MB
PNG Size4.47 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3840 Pixels
Image Width2716 Pixels
Category Master Plans

Bharatmala Project Map - Preview

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Bharatmala Project Map - Summary

Download The Bharatmal Project Map here in all formats like jpg, pdf, gif, and more. According to the Bharatmala Pariyojana, all roads in India country with states and districts will be connected in less time with each other. The IRCA rating agency, 1st phase will be completed by the financial year 2026. This project is purposed by the National Highways Development Project (NHDP), launched by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government in 1998. This map shows national corridors, economic corridors, NEPI, Innercoridor route, feeder roads, Expressways, ring roads, national highways, and more. This map also helps to understand Indian roads with easy formats.

Bharatmala Project Map - Download Links

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  • PNG 4.47MB
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