Chandauli District Blank Map

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Chandauli District Blank Map - File Information

Map Name Chandauli District Blank Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.02 MB
PDF Size0.06 MB
JPG Size0.08 MB
PNG Size0.21 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1263 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels
Category India

Chandauli District Blank Map - Preview

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Chandauli District Blank Map - Summary

Download the Blank map of Chandauli district in PDF, PNG, JPEG, WEBP, and many other formats. A blank map of Chandauli district is also available on the official website of the district administration.

Maps can be used for different purposes like educational, administrative, and research. It is a vector illustration of a scribble sketch map showing the boundaries of a district without any other details.

Maps can be used to mark and locate various places, sites, and geographical features of the district. It can also be used to study the geography and topography of the district.

Chandauli district is located in the Varanasi division of Uttar Pradesh state and is bordered by Bihar in the east, Ghazipur in the north-northeast, Sonbhadra in the south, and Mirzapur in the southwest.

The district is known for its fertile lands and is also called the “Rice Bowl of Uttar Pradesh”. The district is also home to Chandraprabha Sanctuary and several waterfalls including Devdari and Rajdari.

Chandauli District Blank Map - Download Links

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