Firozabad District Map

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Firozabad District Map - File Information

Map NameFirozabad District Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1263 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels

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Firozabad District Map - Summary

You can download the Firozabad District Map in PDF, JPG, PNG, WEBP, and many other formats. Firozabad district is a western district of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, with its headquarters in Firozabad city.

The district is a part of the Agra division and is known for its glassmaking industry, earning it the title of the “City of Glassware” or “the City of Bangles.”

The city has been a center of glassmaking since the 15th century, producing various glass products like bangles, chandeliers, dinner sets, storage containers, ornamented phials, miniature models, candle stands, small toys, glasses, and labware.

The district is located at 27°09′N 78°25′E / 27.15°N 78.42°E and has a diverse climate, with the lowest recorded temperature being −1 °C (30 °F) and the highest being 48 °C (118 °F).

Historically, Firozabad was initially known as Chandwar Nagar and was part of the Mughal Empire. Emperor Akbar renamed it to its current name after his mansabdar or general named Feroze, who was sent to conquer the thugs and bandits inhabiting the region.

Also, you can check the Gautam Buddha Nagar District Map and

During the rule of Shahjahan, Firozabad was bestowed as a jagir to Nawab Sadulla. The city has a rich cultural heritage, with several tombs and ruins, including the tombs of Firoz Shah and Katra Manihar, which serve as evidence of its historical significance.

Firozabad district is connected by rail and bus to major cities, with the nearest airport being Agra. The district covers an area of approximately 0.8% of the total area of U.P. and has a population of 1.1% of the total population of U.P.

The district is bordered by Etah district in the north, Mainpuri and Etawah in the east, and the Yamuna River in the south.

The area of the district is about 0.8% of the total area of U.P., and the population is 1.1% of the total population of U.P. Firozabad district is known for its glassmaking industry and is a major commercial center in Uttar Pradesh.

The city has more than 500 small-scale glass factories, with 50% of the products being exported to other countries.  The district is also known for producing various types of items for brides and married women, earning it the name “Suhag Nagar”.

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