Katni Master Plan 2035 - File Information
Map Name | Katni Master Plan 2035 |
Available Formats | WEBPPDFJPGPNG |
WEBP Size | 0.94 MB |
PDF Size | 4.15 MB |
JPG Size | 2.66 MB |
PNG Size | 5.21 MB |
No. of Pages in PDF | 1 |
Image Height | 2384 Pixels |
Image Width | 3370 Pixels |
Category | Master Plans |
Related | Madhya Pradesh Master Plans |
Katni Master Plan 2035 - Preview

Katni Master Plan 2035 - Summary
A master plan is a dynamic long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development. Master planning is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments. A Master Plan includes analysis, recommendations, and proposals for a site’s population, economy, housing, transportation, Community Facilities, and land use.
संचालनालय द्वारा मध्यप्रदेश नगर तथा ग्राम निवेश अधिनियम 1973 के प्रावधान अंतर्गत उपरोक्त विषयक नगरों की विकास योजनायें अनुमोदित की जाकर लागू की जा चुकी है। मध्यप्रदेश नगर तथा ग्राम निवेश अधिनियम 1973 की धारा 20 एवं 21 में परिक्षेत्रिक योजनायें तैयार करने का प्रावधान है। अधिनियम की धारा 20-21 की शक्तियाॅ राज्य शासन द्वारा संबंधित नगर पालिक निगम को सौपी गई है।
Katni Master Plan 2035 Benefits
- The master plan consists of future directions of development, policy and implantation of the same.
- It sets out how a particular area can develop and redevelop into the future.
- A high-level plan intended to set out objectives and strategies to manage development and change over time.
- A process that defines what is important about a place and how its character and quality can be conserved, improved and enhanced.
- Master plans can have an important role in determining the shape of the urban environment.
- Master Plans generally prepare for 20 years of the horizon period.
Katni Master Plan 2035 - Download Links
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