Patta Chitta FMB Map

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| By Rajesh

Patta Chitta FMB Map - File Information

Map Name Patta Chitta FMB Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.12 MB
PDF Size0.03 MB
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PNG Size0.51 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3840 Pixels
Image Width2717 Pixels
Category India

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Patta Chitta FMB Map - Summary

We provide the Patta Chitta FMB map in PNG, JPG, WEBP, and JPG. By using the given link below, you can download the map of Patta Chitta FMB from here.

Patta Chitta and FMB are two important land-related records in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. They are issued by the Tamil Nadu government’s Income Division and are utilized for land ownership verification and income collection purposes.

Patta: A Patta is a arrive ownership report that contains details almost the owner of the land, the overview number, and the extent of the land. It is additionally known as an “Adangal” or “Chitta” in Tamil Nadu. The Patta document is issued to the landowner by the Revenue Department and is a critical report to set up possession of the land.

Chitta: A Chitta is a report that contains points of interest almost the land, counting the overview number, the degree of the land, and the classification of the arrival. It is issued by the Income Division and is utilized for income collection purposes.

FMB: The Field Measurement Book (FMB) is a document that contains detailed data about the land’s physical estimations, including the boundaries, zone, and measurements. It is used to confirm the land’s location, measure, and proprietorship and is an important document for property enrollment.

The Patta Chitta FMB is a combination of these three documents and contains all the necessary data about a specific land. It incorporates points of interest approximately the land’s ownership, study number, classification, measurements, and area.

To get a Patta Chitta FMB, the landowner needs to apply to the local Tahsildar office with the vital archives, counting proof of possession, land tax receipts, and overview archives. The Tahsildar office will then confirm the reports and issue the Patta Chitta FMB to the landowner.

This map helps you to know more about the Patta Chitta FMB in detail. You can also check the Tamil Nadu map and the Tamil Nadu map in Tamil.

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