Rudrapur Master Plan 2031

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| By Rajesh

Rudrapur Master Plan 2031 - File Information

Map Name Rudrapur Master Plan 2031
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.86 MB
PDF Size1.30 MB
JPG Size1.33 MB
PNG Size11.90 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2933 Pixels
Image Width4612 Pixels
Category Master Plans

Rudrapur Master Plan 2031 - Preview

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Rudrapur Master Plan 2031 - Summary

Download the Rudrapur Master Plan in pdf, png, jpg, gif, and many other formats from here. This project will be completed in 2031, and this project is purposed by the Uttrakhand Housing & Urban Development Authority. According to this project, all mentioned works will be completed like business centers, grain markets, hotels, petrol pumps, industries, existing roads, new roads, transport towns, bus stands, railways lines, flyovers, green areas, agriculture, pumping, hospitals, schools, colleges, firehouse, electric house, social facilities, stadium, fairground, and Graveyard.

In Rudrapur, some places that are best for visiting are Atariya Temple, Giri Sarovar, Anandaloy Center, The Lake Paradise, and Kamal Boot House.By using this map you can know more about the project, also you can save this for later.

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