Gurgoan Master Plan 2031

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| By Pradeep Ronze

Gurgoan Master Plan 2031 - File Information

Map Name Gurgoan Master Plan 2031
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.31 MB
PDF Size0.84 MB
JPG Size3.72 MB
PNG Size6.32 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2384 Pixels
Image Width3370 Pixels
Category Master Plans

Gurgoan Master Plan 2031 - Preview

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Gurgoan Master Plan 2031 - Summary

The Gurgoan-Manesar region, located in the northern part of India, in the state of Haryana, is a significant area known for its rapid urbanization and economic development. This region is part of the National Capital Region (NCR) of India, adjacent to Delhi.

Gurgaon is renowned for its towering skyscrapers and modern urban landscape. It’s a major financial and technology hub, often referred to as the ‘Millennium City’. The city hosts a large number of Fortune 500 companies, IT parks, shopping malls, and luxury hotels, making it one of the country’s leading corporate and commercial centers.

Manesar, a few kilometers away from Gurugram, complements this urban growth with its industrial development. It’s home to several industrial estates and manufacturing plants, playing a crucial role in the region’s economy. Companies in automobile, pharmaceuticals, and engineering have a significant presence in Manesar.

The Gurgoan-Manesar area also showcases a blend of modernity and tradition. While it’s known for its contemporary lifestyle and infrastructure, the region is also dotted with historical sites and cultural landmarks. This juxtaposition of the old and the new adds to the unique character of the area.

In summary, the master development plan map for the Gurgoan-Manesar region is a critical tool for strategic planning and decision-making across a range of sectors. It provides a vision of the future, helping individuals and organizations to align their plans with the anticipated growth and changes in the region.

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