Cocos (Keeling) Island Map

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| By Rajesh

Cocos (Keeling) Island Map - File Information

Map NameCocos (Keeling) Island Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.08 MB
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PNG Size0.50 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height955 Pixels
Image Width800 Pixels

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Cocos (Keeling) Island Map - Summary

We are providing the Cocos (Keeling) Island Map in PDF, PNG, WEBP, and JPG formats. For downloading the Cocos (Keeling) Island map go with the given link below.

The Cocos (Keeling) Island Map. This map shows the Australian territory in the Indian Ocean.

Cocos (Keeling) Island is a remote territory of Australia located in the Indian Sea, approximately midway between Australia and Sri Lanka. It is composed of 27 coral islands, with a total arrival range of just 14 square kilometers. The biggest island is Home Island, where the lion’s share of the populace lives.

Cocos Islands were initially inhabited by the Cocos Malay people, who came to the islands from Malaysia and Indonesia in the early 19th century. The islands were afterward attached by the Clunies-Ross family, a Scottish family who established a copra plantation on the islands. In 1955, the Australian government procured the islands from the Clunies-Ross family and they became a region of Australia.

As of 2021, the populace of Cocos (Keeling) Island is roughly 550 individuals, the majority of whom are Cocos Malays. The official language is English, but the Cocos Malay language is additionally broadly spoken. The lion’s share of the populace is Muslim, and the islands have a unique blend of Islamic and Malay cultures.

The economy of Cocos (Keeling) Island is largely dependent on tourism and the deal of angling licenses. The islands have a small airport and a few tourist accommodations, and visitors come to appreciate the perfect beaches, coral reefs, and water sports such as fishing and snorkeling. The angling industry is additionally an important portion of the economy, with licenses sold to commercial fishing vessels.

Cocos (Keeling) Island is known for its interesting and fragile environment. The islands are domestic to a variety of endemic plant and creature species, counting the Cocos Buff-banded Rail and the Cocos Palm. The coral reefs encompassing the islands are also domestic to a diverse range of marine life, counting sharks, turtles, and colorful fish. The island moreover incorporates an expansive number of seabirds, counting the Christmas Island frigatebird and the red-footed booby.

There are no roads on the islands, and transportation is basically by foot, bicycle, or motorbike. A ferry benefit connects the islands to the nearby Christmas Island, which is additionally an Australian territory.

Cocos (Keeling) Island is an interesting and farther region of Australia, known for its dazzling characteristic excellence and diverse culture. Despite its small estimate and isolation, the island features a wealthy history and economy, and its special environment is home to an assortment of uncommon and endangered species.

The Islands map of Cocos (Keeling) helps you to know more about it in detail. You can also check the Clipperton Island map and the Christmas Island map.

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