Clipperton Island Map

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| By Rajesh

Clipperton Island Map - File Information

Map NameClipperton Island Map
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Clipperton Island Map - Summary

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The Clipperton Island Map. This map shows the French possession of the North Pacific Ocean.

Clipperton Island is a small, uninhabited atoll located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, around 1,100 km southwest of Mexico. The island is a region of France, and it is one of the foremost isolated and inaccessible regions in the world.

Here are some key actualities almost Clipperton Island are

Clipperton Island is a coral atoll, shaped like a ring with a lagoon in the center. The island covers an area of just 6 km2, and its most noteworthy point is only 29 meters above sea level. The island is encompassed by treacherous waters, with solid streams and rocky reefs, making it troublesome to access.

The island was first discovered by the Spanish in the early 18th century, but it was not claimed by any nation until France announced its possession in 1858. The island was utilized as a guano mine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it was later utilized as a military station during World War II. In 1958, Clipperton Island was authoritatively assigned as a French Overseas Territory.

Clipperton Island is home to an assortment of special and uncommon plant and creature species. The island is a basic settling location for several species of seabirds, counting the red-footed booby and the masked booby. The encompassing waters are moreover domestic to a different run of marine life, counting sharks, turtles, and colorful angle. The island’s delicate ecosystem is debilitated by contamination and climate change.

Due to its farther location and treacherous waters, access to Clipperton Island is greatly restricted. The island can only be come to by watercraft or helicopter, and there are no customary transport administrations to the island. The French Navy occasionally visits the island to conduct scientific research and screen the ecosystem.

Territorial Disputes:
Clipperton Island has been the subject of regional debate between France and Mexico. Mexico claimed the island in 1897, contending that it was part of its colonial domain, but France rejected the claim. The debate has not been completely settled, and Mexico still maintains a typical claim to the island.

Clipperton Island is a farther and separated atoll with a wealthy history and special ecosystem. Despite its little measure, it has been the subject of regional debate and has played a part in the development of the Pacific region. However, due to its detachment and delicate biological system, it remains one of the slightest visited and most protected territories in the world.

The Clipperton Island map helps you to know more about the Island in detail. You can also check the Christmas Island map and the Chin map.

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