Sri Lanka Map

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| By Rajesh

Sri Lanka Map - File Information

Map NameSri Lanka Map
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Sri Lanka Map - Summary

We are providing the Sri Lanka country map in PDF, JPG, PNG, and WEBP. By using the given link below, you can download the map of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka, also known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, is an island nation located in South Asia. It is arranged to the south of India and is separated from it by the Palk Strait. Sri Lanka has a wealthy history and social legacy, with evidence of human settlements dating back to over 125,000 years ago.

Some details about Sri Lanka country are

Geography: Sri Lanka covers an area of 65,610 square kilometers and is a diverse nation with an assortment of scenes extending from beaches, hills, forests, and grasslands. The central good countries are home to a few mountain ranges, including the popular Adam’s Peak. The island is surrounded by the Indian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

Climate: Sri Lanka includes a tropical climate, with two rainstorm seasons: the southwest monsoon from May to September and the northeast rainstorm from December to March. The average temperature ranges from 27°C to 30°C all throughout the year.

Culture: Sri Lanka has a diverse culture, which has been affected by Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. The nation is popular for its vibrant festivals, such as the Esala Perahera, which is a grand Buddhist festival held in Kandy. The nation is additionally celebrated for its conventional expressions and crafts, such as batik, lace-making, ceramics, and wood carving.

History: Sri Lanka has a wealthy history, with proof of human settlements dating back to the Paleolithic era. The country has been ruled by different kingdoms, including the Anuradhapura Kingdom, Polonnaruwa Kingdom, and Kandy Kingdom. Sri Lanka was a British colony until 1948 when it gained independence.

Tourism: Sri Lanka is a prevalent traveler goal due to its normal magnificence, diverse natural life, wealthy social legacy, and lovely beaches. A few of the well-known traveler attractions in Sri Lanka incorporate the antiquated city of Anuradhapura, the Sigiriya Rock Fortress, the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, the Yala National Park, and the beaches of Mirissa and Unawatuna.

Cuisine: Sri Lankan cuisine is differing and flavorful, with impacts from Indian, Malay, and European cuisines. Rice and curry are the staple nourishments of the country, and the dishes are more often than not fiery and fragrant. Some of the well-known Sri Lankan dishes include kottu roti, containers, string containers, and fish curry.

Sri Lanka is an assorted and beautiful country with a wealthy social legacy, differing natural life, and picturesque scenes. The nation is known for its dynamic celebrations, tasty food, and warm hospitality.

You can save this map for later. This country map of Sri Lanka helps you to know more about it in detail. You can also check the India map with states and the Bangladesh map.

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