Master Plan 2041 Delhi

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| By Pradeep Ronze

Master Plan 2041 Delhi - File Information

Map Name Master Plan 2041 Delhi
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Category Master Plans

Master Plan 2041 Delhi - Preview

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Master Plan 2041 Delhi - Summary

The Master Plan for Delhi is one of the key instruments that facilitates Delhi’s development by assessing the present condition and guiding how to achieve the desired development. The anchor agency for the master plan is the Delhi Development Authority. Implementation of the Plan is the collective responsibility of all agencies involved in the development of Delhi, including the Central Government, concerned departments of the Government of the NCT of Delhi, service providers, landowning agencies, regulators, and local bodies among others.

The first Master Plan for Delhi was promulgated in 1962 under the Delhi Development Act of 1957, followed by the Master Plans of 2001 and 2021, each of which is an extensive modification of the respective previous plan document. These plans were prepared for 20 years’ perspective periods and provided a holistic framework for planned development of Delhi.

MPD 2041 is a vision document for the future development of the National Capital of Delhi, that includes sector-wise policies specific to shelter, economy, environment, mobility, social and physical infrastructure, heritage, etc. It estimates that by 2041, Delhi would cater to a population of 29.1 million people. With an area of 55,803 sqkm., Delhi NCR is surrounded by four important cities from the states of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. They are Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ghaziabad and Noida.

Key Focus Areas for the Master Plan Delhi 2041

  • Environment: The city is quite green but these greens are inequitably distributed. The quality of greens also needs to be improved at many places. Moreover, Delhi suffers from consistently high levels of air, water and noise pollution. The Yamuna is also severely polluted. This is not only threatening the environmental assets and local biodiversity, but also the health of citizens.
  • Water: Delhi is a water scarce city and yet, the resource gets wasted due to systemic losses, lack of a conservation and reuse strategy. This has serious implications on growth prospects of Delhi as well as the basic need of water for day-to-day activities.
  • Critical resources: Delhi’s consumption of power and generation of waste need to be reduced, both of which are one of the highest in the country. Existing efforts towards recycling of waste and shift to renewable energy have to be mainstreamed.
  • Mobility: There is availability of good quality public transport but the city has large number of private vehicles leading to congestion, unorganised parking, air pollution, etc. Last mile connectivity and infrastructure for walking and cycling to be provided for improving the mobility of citizens especially for persons with disabilities, the elderly and children.
  • Housing: High land prices in the city have resulted in a mismatch between housing needs and housing supply. A large part of Delhi is unplanned with unauthorized colonies that fulfil the housing need by providing lesser expensive options of owned as well as rental housing. Due to poor quality construction and high built densities, 6 these developments are unsafe. There is a requirement for different typologies and tenures of housing.
  • Built environment and public spaces: Facilities and open spaces in the city have become inadequate with steady growth in population. The existing built stock in many areas is old and dilapidated. Public spaces have to be made universally accessible and safer. Therefore, there is a requirement of regeneration as well as strategic interventions to unlock latent potential of certain areas in the city.
  • Heritage assets: Delhi is a cultural capital and has a large number of heritage assets. Preservation of assets and their adaptive reuse are to be promoted for preventing degradation and loss of historic assets and fabric.
  • Vulnerability: Delhi falls in seismic zone four and is under high risk of earthquake incidents of fire outbreaks and flooding. High built densities, poor quality and age of built stock further increases the vulnerability. The COVID-19 pandemic brought into focus the need to create self-contained and mixed-use areas with decentralised infrastructure.
  • Economic potential: Delhi has to fully realise its niche role and potential as an economic hub. Specialty health and higher education are focus areas. Cleaner production, start-ups, innovation and cyber economies have to be promoted by providing a variety of flexible and shared spaces to entrepreneurs in addition to opportunities and good working conditions. Niche sectors such as specialty health, higher education, tourism and MICE, modern logistics and specialized trade also need to be promoted.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: A common database need to be established at city level with multi-agency coordination and an integrated monitoring protocol needs to be set up. This will help monitor progress of the city and different sectors. This is imperative for the city and the Plan to enable periodic evaluation of progress and become adaptable to change and course correction. All agencies and stakeholders need to converge efforts to achieve good quality development

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