Jaipur District Geographical Map

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| By Rajesh

Jaipur District Geographical Map - File Information

Map NameJaipur District Geographical Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.71 MB
PDF Size0.53 MB
JPG Size1.49 MB
PNG Size3.21 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2712 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels

Jaipur District Geographical Map - Preview

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Jaipur District Geographical Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Jaipur Geographical Area district map in PDF, PNG, JPG, WEBP and some other formats. You can easily download the Jaipur district geographical map from here.

This Geographical Area district map of Jaipur shows

  • Taluka Headquarters
  • District Headquarter
  • Major Towns
  • Railways
  • Major Roads
  • National Highways
  • State Highways
  • GA Boundary
  • Water Bodies
  • Metro Railways

The Jaipur district shares its borders with Sikar and Mahendragarh districts. In the south, it is surrounded by the Tonk district, in the west by Nagaur and Ajmer districts and in the east by Alwar, Dausa and Sawai Madhopur districts.

The geologic progression of Jaipur district is very wide-ranging in terms of age and rocks from Archean to Recent age are displayed in the range.

Most of the northeastern portion of the district is secured by younger and more seasoned alluvium which is predominantly sandy and clayey in nature.

In some parts of western Jaipur eolian sand is additionally displayed as a thin cover above the alluvium dregs.

By using this map you can know more about Jaipur’s geography in detail. You can easily save this map from here.

Jaipur District Geographical Map - Download Links

  • WEBP 0.71MB
  • PDF 0.53MB
  • JPG 1.49MB
  • PNG 3.21MB
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