Farrukhabad Location Map

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| By Akash

Farrukhabad Location Map - File Information

Map NameFarrukhabad Location Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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PNG Size0.75 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1176 Pixels
Image Width1207 Pixels

Farrukhabad Location Map - Preview

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Farrukhabad Location Map - Summary

You can download the Farrukhabad Location Map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and many other formats. Farrukhabad district, nestled in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh within the Kanpur Division, boasts its administrative center in the historically rich city of Fatehgarh.

Enriched by the Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb, it exudes a vibrant cultural heritage. Geographically, the district spans between Latitudes 26° 46′ N & 27° 43′ N and Longitudes 79° 7′ E & 80° 2′ E, bordered by Badaun and Shahjahanpur to the north, Hardoi to the east, Kannauj to the south, and Etah and Mainpuri to the west.

Covering an area of 2,279 km2, it sustains a populace of around 1,885,204 (as of 2011). Renowned for its fertile lands, Farrukhabad excels as a prominent potato producer in India.

Structurally, it comprises three tahsils, seven blocks, and 1020 revenue villages. The district’s economy thrives predominantly on agriculture, yielding substantial crops including potatoes, wheat, paddy, mustard, sunflower, maize, sugarcane, tobacco, vegetables, and fruits.

Moreover, it garners acclaim for its distinctive ‘Farrukhabad Prints’ in the realm of handicrafts, recognized under geographical indication. Accessibility is facilitated by well-connected road networks, complemented by appealing residential areas, rendering Farrukhabad a sought-after residential locale.

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