Palwal District Map

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| By Rajesh

Palwal District Map - File Information

Map NamePalwal District Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.23 MB
PDF Size0.57 MB
JPG Size0.53 MB
PNG Size0.76 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1304 Pixels
Image Width1024 Pixels

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Palwal District Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Palwal district map, you are in right place we are providing the district map in pdf, jpg, png, and many other formats from here. This map shows famous towns, villages, national highway (NH-19), major roads, railroads, district boundaries, district headquarters, rivers, and lakes.

Palwal is the 21st district of Haryana State in northern India. Palwal city is the headquarters of this area. The city is arranged at a separate of 60 km. from Delhi on the Delhi-Mathura interstate. The Railway Station of Palwal is the place where Mahatma Gandhi ji was arrested for the first time by the British government. A chronicled building “Gandhi Ashram” was made in memory of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Palwal district shares districts borders with the Nuh (Mewat) district, Faridabad district, Gurugram district, and the state border with Uttar Pradesh.

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