Amroha Sub Division Map

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Amroha Sub Division Map - File Information

Map Name Amroha Sub Division Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1263 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels
Category India

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Amroha Sub Division Map - Summary

You can download the Amroha Sub Division map in PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, WEBP, and some other formats using the links given below.
Amroha district in Uttar Pradesh, India, comprises four sub-districts, also known as tehsils.

These are Amroha, Hasanpur, Dhanaura, and Naugawan Sadat. The district is bounded by Bijnor District to the north, Moradabad District to the east and southeast, Badaun District to the south, and the River Ganges to the west, across which lie the Bulandshahr, Hapur, and Meerut districts.

The Amroha district is known for its historical significance, and it is one of the Minority Concentrated Districts based on the 2001 census data on socio-economic indicators and basic amenities indicators.

The region has a total area of 2,321 square kilometers and a population of 1,840,221 people.

The district is well-connected by state highways 72 and 73, and Amroha town serves as its headquarters. The area has a rich history, with the Battle of Amroha being a notable historical event.

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