Agra Fort Map Tourist Map

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| By Rajesh

Agra Fort Map Tourist Map - File Information

Map NameAgra Fort Map Tourist Map
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Agra Fort Map Tourist Map - Summary

We are providing the Agra fort map in PNG, PDF, WEBP, and JPG formats. For downloading the Agra fort map go with the given link below.

Agra Fort is a historical fort situated in the city of Agra, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is one of the most vital and popular tourist attractions in India and is a UNESCO World Legacy Location. The fort was built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the 16th century and was afterward extended by his successors Jahangir and Shah Jahan.

The Agra Fort may be a massive structure, built essentially of red sandstone. It covers a region of approximately 94 acres, encompassed by a moat on three sides. The fort is encompassed by high walls that are over 20 meters tall and have four fundamental entryways that provide passage to the fort.

Interior the fort, there are numerous buildings and structures, counting royal residences, mosques, and patios. Some of the foremost vital structures inside the fort include:

Jahangiri Mahal: This royal residence was built by Emperor Akbar for his son Jahangir, and served as the home of the royal family. It is known for its intricate carvings and wonderful engineering.

Khas Mahal: This was the private royal residence of Head Shah Jahan, located in the heart of the fort. It is a lovely case of Mughal architecture, with complicated carvings, elegant arches, and a staggering white marble exterior.

Diwan-i-Am: This was the Hall of Public Audience, where the sovereign would meet with his subjects and listen to their grievances. It is a vast, open-air structure with a throne at one conclusion, and was planned to oblige expansive crowds of individuals.

Diwan-i-Khas: This was the Hall of Private Audience, where the emperor would meet with his advisors and squires. It is a smaller, more intimate structure, and is known for its perplexing marble work and beautiful inlay.

Moti Masjid: This is a small mosque found inside the fort and was built by Sovereign Shah Jahan for his personal utilization. It could be an excellent illustration of Mughal architecture, with a staggering white marble veneer and intricate carvings.

The Agra Fort is a stunning illustration of Mughal architecture and design and a vital part of India’s wealthy social legacy. It is a must-visit goal for anybody inquisitive about history, architecture, or culture.

Using the Agra fort map, you will learn more about the Fort of Agra in detail. You can also check the Agra city map and the Braj bhumi map.

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