Asia Map

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| By Rajesh

Asia Map - File Information

Map Name Asia Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.45 MB
PDF Size0.52 MB
JPG Size2.61 MB
PNG Size8.30 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3840 Pixels
Image Width2967 Pixels
Category World

Asia Map - Preview

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Asia Map - Summary

We are providing the Asia map in PDF, JPG, PNG, and many other formats. You are in the right place, you can easily download the Asia map by using the link below.

Asia is the largest of the world’s continents, it constitutes nearly one-third of Earth’s landmass and is lying entirely north of the equator, except for some Southeast Asian islands. Asia occupies the better part of Eurasia, the largest single landmass on the planet.

Asia, the world’s biggest and most populous landmass, ranges over approximately 44.6 million square kilometers and obliges more than 4.5 billion individuals. Situated fundamentally in the eastern hemisphere, it is encompassed by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Indian Ocean to the south, and Europe and Africa to the west.

With a wealthy and different history and culture, Asia is home to various old civilizations and universally acclaimed landmarks. A few of the foremost critical nations in the continent include China, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia.

Asia brags a tremendous range of environments, varying from the icy tundra of Siberia to the verdant tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. It houses a few of the world’s most famous creature species, including tigers, pandas, elephants, and monkeys.

In recent times, Asia has risen as an overwhelming financial powerhouse, with China, Japan, and South Korea driving the way in innovation, fabricating, and back. All things considered, destitution and imbalance proceed to plague numerous regions of the continent.

By using the Asia map you will know more about the continent in detail. You can also check the Asia physical map and the Asia political map.

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