Badaun City Map

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Badaun City Map - File Information

Map NameBadaun City Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1263 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels

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Badaun City Map - Summary

You can download the Badaun city map in PDF, JPG, WEBP, and many other formats using the given link below. Badaun, also known as Budaun, is a historical city located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.

It is the headquarters of the Badaun district, which is part of the Bareilly division. The city is situated near the Ganges, a holy river, and is known for its historical importance.

Badaun rose to historical significance as the capital of the Delhi Sultanate for four years from 1210 CE to 1214 CE during the reign of Sultan Iltutmish. The city is often referred to as the “City of Saints” or “Madinat ul Awliya” and is famous for its Pedas.

Badaun is also recognized as the “Mentha City” of India, being the largest producer of mentha oil in the country. The city has a total population of 159,221, according to the 2011 census.

Badaun is a place of religious significance for both Hindus and Muslims and is home to various historical ruins and monuments that reflect its rich cultural heritage.

The city is situated on a major road and rail line and is primarily an agricultural trade center, with some small industries. It has a total area of 81 square kilometers, and its metro area has a population of around 417,000.

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