Badaun Geography Map

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Badaun Geography Map - File Information

Map NameBadaun Geography Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.24 MB
PDF Size0.29 MB
JPG Size0.78 MB
PNG Size1.55 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1683 Pixels
Image Width2384 Pixels

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Badaun Geography Map - Summary

You can download the Badaun geography map in PDF, JPG, PNG, WEBP, and many other formats using the link below. Badaun is an ancient city in India, located in the Badaun district near the holy banks of the Ganges in Uttar Pradesh.

It covers an area of 4,234 km2 and is known for its religious significance and the production of Pedas, a local sweet. The city is situated near the Ganges, adding to its natural beauty.

Badaun has a rich historical significance, having been a center of learning and knowledge, and is considered a “City of Saints” or “Madinat ul Awliya.”

The district is part of the Bareilly division and is connected by major highways such as SH33, SH43, SH51, SH18, and NH 93.

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