Banda District Old Map

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Banda District Old Map - File Information

Map NameBanda District Old Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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JPG Size0.47 MB
PNG Size1.81 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1263 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels

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Banda District Old Map - Summary

You can download the Banda district old map in PDF, JPG, PNG, WEBP, and many other formats. Old Banda District, now part of the current Banda district in Uttar Pradesh, India, has a rich historical tradition dating back to ancient times.

The region was inhabited by Adivasis during prehistoric periods, and the earliest known traditional ruler was Yayatri. The region was named Chedi-Desha by his descendants.

Over the centuries, various rulers and empires like the Nanda Empire, Mauryan Empire, Kushanas, Guptas, and Chandelas have influenced the area.

Also, you can check the Balrampur district road map and

The region played a significant role in India’s freedom struggle, with active participation in movements like non-cooperation and civil disobedience.

In 1998, Chitrakoot District was carved out of Banda District. Banda is known for its Shajar stone used in jewelry making and historic sites like Khajuraho and Kalinjar.

The Kalinjar Fort is renowned for its war history and rock sculptures. Lord Rama is believed to have spent part of his exile in Chitrakoot, which was part of Old Banda District.

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