Bareilly City Gas Distribution Map

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Bareilly City Gas Distribution Map - File Information

Map NameBareilly City Gas Distribution Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.12 MB
PDF Size0.79 MB
JPG Size0.40 MB
PNG Size1.59 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1195 Pixels
Image Width919 Pixels

Bareilly City Gas Distribution Map - Preview

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Bareilly City Gas Distribution Map - Summary

You can download the Bareilly City Gas Distribution map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and many more formats using the given link below.

Bareilly City Gas Distribution is responsible for providing piped natural gas (PNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) to the city of Bareilly and its surrounding districts.

The geographical area covered by the Bareilly City Gas Distribution network is approximately 9,886 square kilometers, and it was awarded to the entity under the 10th CGD bidding round.

The PNG and CNG services provided by the Bareilly City Gas Distribution are essential for the region’s economic growth and development.

The network is responsible for providing clean and affordable energy to households, industries, and commercial establishments.

The Bareilly City Gas Distribution network is committed to providing the best services to its consumers, and it has several offices and CNG pumps located throughout the region.

Bareilly City Gas Distribution Map - Download Links

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