Greater Bareilly Map

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| By Akash

Greater Bareilly Map - File Information

Map NameGreater Bareilly Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.51 MB
PDF Size1.87 MB
JPG Size1.83 MB
PNG Size3.17 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2526 Pixels
Image Width3576 Pixels
CategoryMaster Plans

Greater Bareilly Map - Preview

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Greater Bareilly Map - Summary

You can download the Greater Bareilly map in PDF, PNG, JPEG, and many other formats using the given link. Greater Bareilly is an upcoming residential and commercial development project in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh, India.

The project, also known as the Ramganga Nagar Awasiya Yojana, spans over 650 acres of land and is being developed in multiple phases.

The first phase of the project involves the registration and allotment of approximately 1700 residential and commercial plots.

The development includes the creation of several sectors such as the Ganga Enclave, Narmada Enclave, Kaveri Enclave, Alakhnanda Enclave, Brahmaputra Enclave, and others.

The project aims to provide modern housing and commercial facilities, and the Bareilly Development Authority is actively involved in its planning and execution.

The development is expected to contribute to the expansion and modernization of residential and commercial infrastructure in the region.

Greater Bareilly Map - Download Links

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