Basti Location Map

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| By Akash

Basti Location Map - File Information

Map NameBasti Location Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.08 MB
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PNG Size0.88 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1684 Pixels
Image Width1190 Pixels

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Basti Location Map - Summary

You can download the Basti location map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and many other formats. Basti is a district in the north-eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India.

The district is known for its bamboo, eucalyptus, mango, and shisham populations, and its cultivation of sugarcane, maize, paddy, pulses, wheat, barley, and potato.

Most of the population depends on agricultural practices for their livelihood. The district is well-connected through NH 28 and railways. The city of Basti is located on the Kuwana River, a tributary of the Ghaghara River, and is an agricultural trade center.

Also, you can check the Middle Ganga Canal project map and

It consists of three sections: Old Basti, Pukka Bazar, and the “civil station.” The city has a college affiliated with Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University in Gorakhpur. The district is drained by the Ghaghara, Manwan, and Ami Rivers.

The district was originally known as Vaishishthi, and the origin of the name is attributed to the fact that this area was the ashram of Rishi Rama with his younger brother Lakshmana.

The district became inhabitable gradually, and it cannot be said with any degree of certainty how the district came to be known by its present name.

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