Buffer Zone Kerala Map

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| By Rajesh

Buffer Zone Kerala Map - File Information

Map NameBuffer Zone Kerala Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height440 Pixels
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Buffer Zone Kerala Map - Preview

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Buffer Zone Kerala Map - Summary

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Kerala government published the maps prepared by the Forest and Wildlife Department to demonstrate the high population density of areas just around the extremities of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in the state.

The maps, which include the buffer zones, or Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZ), around 22 wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, were published on the official website of the government.

The Buffer Zone in Kerala is a region of ensured forest land that encompasses several wildlife saves in the Indian state of Kerala. The zone acts as a buffer between the human settlements and the forest reserves, giving a defensive obstruction that makes a difference to preserve the ecological balance of the region.

The Buffer Zone in Kerala is located in the Western Ghats, a mountain range that runs along the western coast of India. The area incorporates several natural life reserves, counting the Silent Valley National Park, Periyar Tiger Reserve, and Wayanad Natural Life Haven.

Protected Area:
The Buffer Zone in Kerala covers a region of approximately 8,100 square kilometers and is home to a differing extent of greenery and fauna. The region is known for its tropical evergreen forests, which provide habitat for imperiled species such as the Nilgiri tahr, lion-tailed macaque, and Malabar mammoth squirrel. The region is additionally domestic to an assortment of feathered creature species, counting the Malabar hornbill and the incredible Indian hornbill.

Preservation Endeavors:
The Buffer Zone in Kerala is overseen by the Kerala Woodland Office, which is capable of ensuring the region’s wildlife and common assets. The department has executed several preservation endeavors, counting living space reclamation, anti-poaching watches, and community outreach programs.

The Buffer Zone in Kerala is additionally recognized as a UNESCO World Legacy Location and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. These assignments offer assistance to raise awareness around the significance of securing the region’s biodiversity and energize universal participation in preservation endeavors.

The Buffer Zone in Kerala is a well-known traveler destination, known for its common excellence and natural life. Guests can investigate the region through guided visits, trekking, and natural life safaris. The region also offers openings for winged creature observing, camping, and nature photography. However, tourism is carefully overseen to anticipate any negative effects on the ecosystem.

The Buffer Zone in Kerala could be a crucial locale for the preservation of India’s biodiversity. The zone gives a defensive obstruction between human settlements and natural life saves, making a difference to preserve the environmental adjustment of the region. Through preservation endeavors and capable tourism, the Buffer Zone in Kerala can proceed to flourish and back the region’s wealthy biodiversity for eras to come.

The Buffer Zone Kerala map helps you know more about the region. You can also check the Gadag district map and the Nadia district map.

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