Bulandshahr Geo Map

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Bulandshahr Geo Map - File Information

Map NameBulandshahr Geo Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.23 MB
PDF Size0.71 MB
JPG Size0.63 MB
PNG Size2.22 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1262 Pixels
Image Width1785 Pixels

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Bulandshahr Geo Map - Summary

You can download the Bulandshahr Geo map in PDF, PNG, JPEG, and many other formats. Bulandshahr is a district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, located in the national capital region.

The district spans an area of 4,353 square kilometers and is an important grain-producing agricultural area, known for cultivating wheat, potatoes, maize, and sugar.

It is also part of the white revolution through milk production. The district is situated between 28.4°N and 28°N latitudes and between 77°E and 78°W longitudes, with its headquarters in the city of Bulandshahr.

The Bulandshahr district is divided into seven regions for administrative purposes, which include Anoopshahr, Bulandshahr, Dibai, Khurja, Shikarpur, Sikandrabad, and Siyana.

The climate of Bulandshahr is extreme and tropical, with hot summers and cold winters. The district is also home to historical sites such as Karnavas, Ahar, Belon, Anoopshahar, Rajghat, and Valipura.

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