Bulandshahr Road Map

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Bulandshahr Road Map - File Information

Map NameBulandshahr Road Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.06 MB
PDF Size0.10 MB
JPG Size0.17 MB
PNG Size0.47 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height978 Pixels
Image Width1275 Pixels

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Bulandshahr Road Map - Summary

You can download the Bulandshahr road map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and many other formats. Bulandshahr is a district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, situated between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers.

The district is about 84 km in length and 62 km in breadth, and its elevation above sea level is 237.44 meters.

The district is well connected by road and rail, with the Bulandshahr junction of the Indian railway system connecting the city to different parts of the country.

National Highway 91 (NH 91) connects Bulandshahr to Delhi and Kanpur and is 405 km in length. The district has a rich cultural heritage and fascinating history, with ancient ruins found at places like Bhatora, Veerpur, and Ghalibpur.

The city has ruins of medieval statues and objects of ancient temples, and the Lucknow State Museum has archives of ancient objects such as coins, inscriptions, etc.

The district is an important grain-producing agricultural district, with wheat, potatoes, maize, sugar, and many others cultivated here in large quantities.

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