Dholpur District Administrative Map

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| By Rajesh

Dholpur District Administrative Map - File Information

Map NameDholpur District Administrative Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.52 MB
PDF Size0.54 MB
JPG Size0.97 MB
PNG Size2.85 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2714 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels
Official Source / Creditsphedwater.rajasthan.gov.in

Dholpur District Administrative Map - Preview

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Dholpur District Administrative Map - Summary

We are providing here the Dholpur district administrative map in pdf, png, webp, jpg, and some other formats. You can download from here the Dholpur district map in all formats easily.

This Administrative map of the Dholpur district provides the following:-

  • Major Towns
  • District Headquarter
  • Railway
  • Major Districts Road
  • States Highway
  • National Highway
  • Water Bodies
  • Broad Gauge
  • Narrow Gauge
  • Districts Boundary
  • Subdistrict Boundary
  • Railways Stations
  • Rivers/Streams

The Dhaulpur district is found in the eastern portion of Rajasthan. The district is bounded within the north by the state of Uttar Pradesh, east to the south by the state of Madhya Pradesh, and within the west by Karauli and Bharatpur districts.

It extends between 26⁰ 20′ 21.53” to 26⁰ 58′ 01.23” north latitude and 77⁰ 13′ 29.68’’ to 78⁰ 16′ 27.33’’ east longitude covering an area of 3,040.3 sq km.

The district is depleted of three nearly parallel adjusted waste bowls, ‘Parbati River Basin’ within the middle through the Gambir River and Chambal River drain within the northwestern and southeastern portions respectively.

This map helps you to know more about the Dholpur district administration in detail, you can easily save this map for later from here. You can check all Rajasthan district maps here.

Dholpur District Administrative Map - Download Links

  • WEBP 0.52MB
  • PDF 0.54MB
  • JPG 0.97MB
  • PNG 2.85MB
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