Dholpur District Geography Map

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| By Rajesh

Dholpur District Geography Map - File Information

Map NameDholpur District Geography Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.45 MB
PDF Size3.82 MB
JPG Size0.99 MB
PNG Size2.06 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2712 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels

Dholpur District Geography Map - Preview

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Dholpur District Geography Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Dholpur district geographical area map of Rajasthan state, then we are providing here the district geography map that you can easily download from here.
This geographical district map of Dholpur shows the following:-

  • Major Towns
  • District Headquarters
  • Railways
  • Major Districts Road
  • State Highway
  • National Highways
  • Water Bodies
  • GA Boundary
  • Forest
  • District Boundary
  • Sub-District Boundary
  • Railways Station
  • Police Station

The Chambal River shapes the southern boundary of the district, over which lies the state of Madhya Pradesh. All along the bank of the Chambal River, the district is deeply crossed by gorges; low ranges of hills within the western parcel of the district supply quarries of fine-grained and effortlessly worked red sandstone.

A range of sandstone hills runs from Dholpur town in a southwestern course attaining at one put-on the demeanor of 356.91 Meters over the ocean level. Their arrival in the Dholpur district is rich and rises from the alluvial plain close to the level.

Slopes and broken grounds characterize nearly the entire region, along the valley of the Chambal as irregular and grand divider of rocks that are partitioned into the river from the uplands.
This geography map helps you to know more about the Dholpur district in detail, you can easily save this map for later. If you want to see more maps then you can click on mapinside.in.

Dholpur District Geography Map - Download Links

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  • PNG 2.06MB
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