Etah Location Map

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Etah Location Map - File Information

Map NameEtah Location Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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PNG Size0.58 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1263 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels

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Etah Location Map - Summary

You can download the Etah location map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and many other formats. Etah, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India, is located at an elevation of 557 feet (170 meters) above sea level, with latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of 27.63 N and 78.67 E respectively.

It is situated about 207 km from New Delhi and serves as the headquarters of the Etah district. The city lies in the GangesYamuna Doab alluvial plain, known for its fertile soil supporting crops like wheat, cotton, sugarcane, maize, bajra, jowar, barley, and rice.

Etah experiences a moderate sub-tropical climate with temperatures ranging from below 10°C in winters to around 40°C in summers. The population of Etah as per the 2011 census was 131,023, with a literacy rate of approximately 85.62%.

The city is predominantly inhabited by Rajputs and Yadavs and is known for its historical significance dating back to the era of the 1857 sepoy mutiny.

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