Fatehpur Tourist Map

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Fatehpur Tourist Map - File Information

Map NameFatehpur Tourist Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.07 MB
PDF Size0.55 MB
JPG Size0.20 MB
PNG Size0.64 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1262 Pixels
Image Width892 Pixels

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Fatehpur Tourist Map - Summary

You can download the Fatehpur Tourist Map in PDF, JPG, PNG, and other formats. Fatehpur is a city in Uttar Pradesh, India, known for its rich historical and architectural significance.

Situated between the Ganga and Yamuna Rivers, it offers a blend of sanctity, tradition, and history. Fatehpur Sikri, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases exceptional Mughal architecture from the late 16th century.

Key attractions include the Jama Masjid, a grand mosque built by Emperor Akbar, and the Buland Darwaza, a magnificent gateway. The city boasts a strategic importance for the Mughals and was a significant administrative center during the British era.

Fatehpur Sikri attracts visitors with its historical and religious sites, making it a must-visit destination for those interested in India’s cultural heritage.

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