Germany Map

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| By Rajesh

Germany Map - File Information

Map NameGermany Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height699 Pixels
Image Width1106 Pixels

Germany Map - Preview

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Germany Map - Summary

We provide the Germany country map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and WEBP formats. To download the country map of the Germany go with the given link below.

Germany is a Western European country known for its wealthy history, culture, and strong economy. The country encompasses a populace of roughly 83 million individuals and is home to some of the world’s most eminent institutions, counting universities, museums, and scientific research centers.

Germany is bordered by several European nations, counting Denmark to the north, Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, Austria and Switzerland to the south, and France, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the west. The nation has a different scene, counting forests, mountains, rivers, and beaches. The Rhine River is one of the foremost critical characteristic features of the country.

Germany is the most crowded country in the European Union, with a populace of approximately 83 million individuals. The lion’s share of the populace speaks German, and the nation is known for its rich cultural heritage, counting music, writing, and craftsmanship.

Germany is the fourth-largest economy in the world and the biggest in Europe. The nation is known for its progressed manufacturing sector and is a worldwide pioneer in industries such as automotive engineering, machinery, and chemicals. The nation is additionally home to some of the world’s biggest organizations, counting Volkswagen, Siemens, and BMW.

Germany includes a wealthy social legacy, and the country is known for its commitment to craftsmanship, writing, music, and philosophy. Some of the foremost celebrated German journalists incorporate Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Thomas Mann, whereas celebrated composers include Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach. The nation is additionally known for its Christmas markets, Oktoberfest, and other cultural festivals.

Germany is a popular tourist destination and pulls in millions of visitors each year. The nation is home to a few UNESCO World Legacy Sites, counting the Cologne Cathedral and the historic city of Lubeck. The nation is additionally known for its picturesque excellence, counting the Black Forest, the Bavarian Alps, and the Baltic Sea coastline.

Germany is a federal parliamentary republic, with a President serving as head of state and a Chancellor serving as head of government. The nation includes a bicameral council, consisting of the Bundestag (lower house) and the Bundesrat (upper house).

Germany is a wealthy and socially wealthy country in Western Europe, known for its contributions to craftsmanship, writing, music, and logic. The nation has a solid economy and is domestic to a few of the world’s biggest organizations, as well as several famous research institutions. Germany is additionally a popular travel destination, with a wealthy history and picturesque excellence that attract millions of visitors each year.

Using the Germany country map you will know more about the country in detail. You can also check the Georgia map and the Gaza Strip map.

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