Ghana Map

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| By Rajesh

Ghana Map - File Information

Map NameGhana Map
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Ghana Map - Summary

We provide the Ghana country map in PDF, WEBP, PNG, and JPG formats. To download the country map of Ghana go with the given link below.

Ghana is a West African country located along the Gulf of Guinea, bordered by Togo to the east, Burkina Faso to the north, and Cote d’Ivoire to the west. The capital and largest city is Accra, and the official language is English.

Ghana has an add-up-to-arrive range of 238,533 square kilometers (92,098 square miles) and is divided into 16 administrative districts. The nation is transcendently flat, with a few slopes and mountains in the eastern and northern districts. Ghana is additionally domestic to a few major streams, counting the Volta, which is the country’s longest river.

As of 2021, the population of Ghana is assessed to be around 31 million individuals. The lion’s share of the populace is made up of several ethnic bunches, including the Akan, Ewe, and Mole-Dagbani. The nation is additionally domestic to a noteworthy number of migrants from neighboring nations.

Ghana’s culture is a blend of conventional African traditions and impacts from other societies, especially European and American. The nation is known for its music, which incorporates an assortment of conventional styles such as highlife and hiplife, as well as more modern classes like Afro beats. Ghanaian cooking is additionally different and incorporates dishes such as jollof rice, banku (a fermented cornmeal dish), and fufu (a starchy dough).

Ghana includes a rich social legacy and is domestic to a few notable locales and points of interest. Some of the foremost well-known traveler attractions incorporate Cape Coast Castle, a previous slave fort; the Ashanti Region, which is known for its conventional culture; and the Kakum National Park, which is domestic to a few species of natural life, counting monkeys and gazelle.

Ghana’s economy is largely based on agriculture, with cocoa being the country’s most important export crop. The nation moreover has noteworthy saves of gold, bauxite, and other minerals. The administration segment is additionally an imperative portion of the economy, particularly in the zones of back and tourism. Despite some challenges, Ghana has made critical advances in later years and is classified as a lower-middle-income country by the World Bank.

Legislative issues:
Ghana is a presidential republic, with a President serving as both head of state and head of government. The nation includes a unicameral legislature, known as the Parliament of Ghana.

Ghana is a West African nation with a wealthy social legacy and an assorted economy. In spite of some challenges, the nation has made noteworthy progress in later a long time and is working towards getting to be a middle-income nation. Ghana’s inviting culture and notable points of interest make it an energizing goal for visitors, and its commitment to majority rule government and great administration set an example for the region.

The Ghana country map helps you to know more about the country in detail. You can also check the Germany map and the RRR Road map.

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