Ghana Map

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| By Rajesh

Ghana Map - File Information

Map NameGhana Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height671 Pixels
Image Width495 Pixels

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Ghana Map - Summary

We are providing the Ghana country map in PDF, PNG, WEBP, and JPG formats. For downloading the country map of Ghana go with the given link below.

Ghana is a country located in West Africa, bordered by Cote d’Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south. The nation includes a populace of approximately 31 million individuals and covers an area of 238,533 square kilometers.

Ghana includes a wealthy history, dating back to ancient times when the region was possessed by different indigenous tribes. Afterward, Ghana became a center of exchange and commerce amid the trans-Saharan trade routes and several kingdoms emerged, counting the Ashanti Empire, which was one of the foremost powerful.

In 1957, Ghana became the primary sub-Saharan African nation to pick up freedom from colonial rule, under the administration of Kwame Nkrumah. Since then, Ghana has ended up a steady democratic nation, with a different economy based on farming, mining, and administration.

One of the foremost interesting features of Ghana is its dynamic and assorted culture. The country has over 100 ethnic bunches, each with its claim conventions and traditions. Ghana is known for its colorful celebrations, music, and dance, such as the popular Ghanaian dance style called “Azonto.” The country is additionally known for its wealthy culinary culture, with dishes such as jollof rice, banku, and fufu.

Another unique feature of Ghana is its normal excellence. The nation is domestic to several national parks, such as Mole National Park, Kakum National Park, and Bia National Park, which are domestic to an assortment of natural life, counting elephants, elands, and monkeys. Ghana’s coastline is additionally a well-known traveler goal, with white sandy beaches and clear blue waters.

In recent years, Ghana has become a center for technology and entrepreneurship, with a few effective new businesses developing from the country’s tech environment. The government has also actualized a few activities to advance development and enterprise, such as the Ghana Innovation Center and the National Business enterprise and Innovation Plan.

Ghana is a unique country with a wealthy history, different culture, common magnificence, and a growing economy.

The Ghana country map helps you to know more about the country in detail. You can also check the South Africa map and the Morocco map.

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