Ghazipur Administrative Map

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| By Akash

Ghazipur Administrative Map - File Information

Map NameGhazipur Administrative Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.14 MB
PDF Size0.66 MB
JPG Size0.40 MB
PNG Size1.25 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height969 Pixels
Image Width1368 Pixels

Ghazipur Administrative Map - Preview

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Ghazipur Administrative Map - Summary

You can download the Ghazipur Administrative map in PDF, PNG, JPG, WEBP, and many other formats. The administrative setup of Ghazipur district in Uttar Pradesh, India, comprises various key components. The district administration includes Revenue, Police (Law and Order), Judiciary, and Local self-government.

The District Magistrate oversees revenue administration, supported by the Additional District Magistrate (Finance and Revenue). At the tahsil level, the Sub Divisional Magistrate, now known as Up-Jila Adhikari, is in charge, assisted by Tahsildars and Naib Tahsildars for revenue collection.

Lekhpals are responsible for each revenue village, while development activities are overseen by the Chief Development Officer and District Development Officer.

Various departments have officers at the district level, such as Health, Panchayat Raj, Electricity, Transport, and more, each managing specific aspects of governance.

Also, you can check the Bijnor Administrative map and

The district is divided into community development blocks, with Block Development Officers overseeing development work at this level. This administrative structure ensures the effective functioning of governance and development initiatives in Ghazipur district.

Ghazipur Administrative Map - Download Links

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