Ghazipur Railway Map

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Ghazipur Railway Map - File Information

Map NameGhazipur Railway Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height918 Pixels
Image Width1188 Pixels

Ghazipur Railway Map - Preview

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Ghazipur Railway Map - Summary

You can download the Ghazipur Railway map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and many other formats. The Ghazipur district in Uttar Pradesh, India, is served by two significant railway stations: Ghazipur Ghat railway station and Ghazipur City railway station.

Ghazipur Ghat railway station, with station code GZT, is a small station located in the rural area of Ghazipur. It is situated on National Highway 31 and is part of the Varanasi–Chhapra line.

The station has one platform and lacks certain facilities like proper shelter, water, and sanitation. On the other hand, Ghazipur City railway station, station code GCT, is a major railway hub connecting various parts of India.

You can check the Gonda Railway map and

It is known for its Victorian-era architecture and vibrant atmosphere, bustling with activity throughout the day. The station offers modern amenities such as waiting lounges, Wi-Fi connectivity, and food stalls, providing a comfortable experience for passengers.

Ghazipur City Station plays a crucial role in enhancing connectivity and serves as a gateway to the city’s attractions, with convenient transportation options available for travelers.

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