Grenada Map

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| By Rajesh

Grenada Map - File Information

Map NameGrenada Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3840 Pixels
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Grenada Map - Summary

We are providing Grenada Island Country Map in PDF, JPG, PNG, and WEBP formats. To download the Grenada Island map go with the given link below.

Grenada is a small island country located in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. It is a portion of the Lesser Antilles island chain and is located approximately 160 kilometers north of Venezuela. The country is composed of most islands of Grenada and several smaller islands, counting Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

Geography and Climate:
Grenada contains a tropical climate, with temperatures averaging around 28°C (82°F) year-round. The island encompasses a different scene, with rainforests, mountains, beaches, and coral reefs. The nation is additionally known for its fertile soil, which underpins a flourishing agricultural industry.

Grenada contains a long history, with proof of human habitation dating back to 500 BC. The island was colonized by the French in the 17th century and was later ceded to the British in 1763. Grenada picked up freedom from Britain in 1974 but has held close ties with the United Kingdom and is a member of the Commonwealth of Countries.

Grenada contains a dynamic culture that reflects its history and differing populace. The nation is known for its music, dance, and nourishment, which combine African, European, and Caribbean impacts. Grenada is additionally domestic to several celebrations, counting Carnival, the Grenada Chocolate Fest, and the Grenada Spice Mas.

Grenada has a mixed economy, with farming, tourism, and services as the most businesses. The nation is known for its generation of nutmeg, cinnamon, and other spices, which are exported around the world. Tourism is additionally a noteworthy industry, with visitors attracted to the island’s common magnificence, beaches, and noteworthy locales.

Grenada is a parliamentary vote-based system, with a government headed by a prime minister and a bicameral parliament. The nation is a member of the Commonwealth of Countries, the United Countries, and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. Grenada includes a near relationship with the Joined together States and is a part of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM).

Grenada is a small but culturally wealthy island nation with an assorted economy and populace. Its tropical climate, normal excellence, and notable destinations make it a prevalent goal for visitors from around the world. Grenada is additionally an imperative part of the Caribbean community and a strategic accomplice of the United States in the region.

The Grenada Island country map helps you know more about the Island country. You can also check the Greenland map and the Greece map.

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