Guyana Map

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| By Rajesh

Guyana Map - File Information

Map NameGuyana Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height989 Pixels
Image Width753 Pixels

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Guyana Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Guyana country map in PDF, JPG, WEBP, and PNG formats. To download the country map of Guyana go with the given link below.

Guyana is a country located on the northern coast of South America. It is the third-smallest nation in South America, with an area of around 215,000 square kilometers, and features a populace of around 780,000 individuals. Guyana is bordered by Venezuela to the west, Brazil to the south, Suriname to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north.

The official language of Guyana is English, and the larger part of the populace is of East Indian or African plummet, with littler innate and mixed-race populaces. The country is known for its differing social legacy, with impacts from Africa, India, Europe, and the indigenous Amerindian people groups.

Guyana’s economy is to a great extent based on farming and normal assets, with the nation being a significant maker of rice, sugar, gold, and bauxite. In recent years, Guyana has moreover ended up an important player in the oil industry, with noteworthy seaward oil reserves.

Guyana features a wealthy history, having been possessed by innate people groups for thousands of years before being colonized by the Dutch, British, and French. The country picked up autonomy from Britain in 1966 and has since been an equitable republic.

Despite its characteristic assets, Guyana has battled with destitution and political insecurity in recent years. The nation has too confronted challenges related to climate alter, with the coastal regions of the nation being especially defenseless to rising sea levels.

There have been efforts to address these challenges and advance economical improvement in Guyana. The nation has made advances in making strides in governance and battling debasement, and there have been endeavors to differentiate the economy and contribute to instruction and framework. In expansion, Guyana has become a pioneer in endeavors to combat climate alter, with the nation committed to ensuring its timberlands and pursuing renewable energy solutions.

Using the Guyana country map helps you to know more about the country in detail. You can also check the Guinea Bissau map and the Ireland map.

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