Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek Map

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| By Rajesh

Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek Map - File Information

Map NameHemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.55 MB
PDF Size1.33 MB
JPG Size2.24 MB
PNG Size7.67 MB
No. of Pages in PDF2
Image Height2715 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels
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Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek Map - Preview

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Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek Map - Summary

We provide the Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and WEBP formats. For downloading the Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek map go with the given link below.

The Hemis Tsomoriri Rupshu Trek is a challenging and off-the-beaten-path trek that takes you through the inaccessible and picturesque Rupshu Valley in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. The trek covers a separation of around 200 km and takes approximately 14-15 days to complete.

The trek begins in the small town of Hemis, which is located at a height of around 3,600 meters and takes you through a few of the foremost excellent and tough scenes in the region. The trail passes through high-altitude passes, pristine lakes, and rough terrain, advertising stunning views of snow-capped peaks and glaciers.

One of the highlights of the trek is the visit to the Tso Moriri Lake, which is one of the most noteworthy lakes in the world, found at an elevation of around 4,595 meters. The lake is encompassed by snow-capped peaks and offers breathtaking sees of the surrounding scene. The journey moreover takes you through a few little towns and hamlets, giving you a chance to connect with the locals and learn more almost their culture and way of life.

The Hemis Tsomoriri Rupshu Trek is a challenging journey and is best suited for experienced trekkers who are in good physical condition. The path involves crossing several high-altitude passes, including the Kyamayuri La Pass, which is found at an elevation of around 5,820 meters and can be strenuous and demanding.

The best time to do the trek is between the months of June and September, when the climate is mild and charming, and the trails are open and accessible. It is imperative to go with a reputable and experienced trekking company that can provide you with the vital gear, guides, and back to ensure a safe and enjoyable trek.

The Hemis Tsomoriri Rupshu Trek is a must-do for anybody who cherishes trekking and needs to involve in the common magnificence and social abundance of the Ladakh region. The journey offers an interesting and authentic encounter that’s off-the-beaten-path and takes you through some of the foremost perfect and lovely scenes in the world.

By using the Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek map, you will know more about the trek in detail. You can also check the Kausarnag Lake Trek map and the Kausarnag Lake Trek map.

Hemis Tsomori Rupshu Trek Map - Download Links

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