India Parliamentary Constituency Map

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| By Rajesh

India Parliamentary Constituency Map - File Information

Map Name India Parliamentary Constituency Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size1.03 MB
PDF Size11.80 MB
JPG Size3.64 MB
PNG Size7.33 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height5473 Pixels
Image Width3874 Pixels
Category India

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India Parliamentary Constituency Map - Summary

The link below lets you download the India Parliamentary Constituency Map in PDF, JPG, PNG, and other formats. The Indian Parliamentary Constituency is a collective term referring to the various constituencies within India that elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Indian Parliament.

Currently, there are 543 constituencies in India, with a maximum capacity of 550 seats. These constituencies are demarcated based on the Delimitation Act of 2002, which outlines the process of defining parliamentary constituencies, assembly segments, and reservation status.

The Lok Sabha is composed of representatives elected through direct adult suffrage, with each MP representing a specific geographic constituency.

Also, you can check the Delhi Assembly Constituency Map and

The constituencies are distributed among the states and union territories based on population, ensuring fair representation. The Lok Sabha plays a crucial role in the Indian parliamentary system, being the house where laws are debated, created, and passed.

India Parliamentary Constituency Map - Download Links

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