Kangra District Map

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| By Rajesh

Kangra District Map - File Information

Map NameKangra District Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.21 MB
PDF Size0.39 MB
JPG Size0.41 MB
PNG Size2.62 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2880 Pixels
Image Width2000 Pixels
Official Source / Creditscgwb.gov.in

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Kangra District Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Kangra District Map of the Himachal Pradesh state in jpg, pdf, png, and some other formats then you can download the Kangra district map easily from here.
The Kangra district is one of the 12 districts of the Himachal Pradesh state in India, the Kangra district came into existence on the 1st of September 1972 consequent to the re-organization of districts by the Government of Himachal Pradesh state in India.

This district map shows:-
District Headquarter
Railways Lines
National Highway
State Highway
Other Roads
Major Cities
District Boundary
Tehsil Boundary
Kangra takes pride in being home to the Katoch dynasty one of the oldest surviving royal dynasties in the world. Spread out over the western region of the state, Kangra is by far the biggest region of Himachal Pradesh.
Kangra’s fort is the biggest fort within the Himalayas and probably the oldest dated fort in India. The fort of Kangra stood up to Akbar’s attack in 1615. In any case, Akbar’s son Jehangir effectively stifled the post in 1620, compelling the submission of the Raja of Chamba, ‘the greatest of all the rajas inside the region’.
Masroor Temple
Bir Billing
Palampur tea garden
Kangra Fort
Dal Lake
Kareri Lake
These are the main attraction of the Kangra district of the Himachal Pradesh state in India.
This map helps you to understand the Kangra district in deep, also you can save this map for later.

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