Konaseema District Map

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| By Rajesh

Konaseema District Map - File Information

Map NameKonaseema District Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1087 Pixels
Image Width1536 Pixels

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Konaseema District Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Konaseema district map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and WEBP formats. You are in the right spot, you can download the district map of Konaseema through the link below.

The Konaseema district is located in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. Konaseema district, officially known as Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Konaseema district, is a district in Coastal Andhra between the tributaries of the Godavari river in the Konaseema region in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

Konaseema is a picturesque region in the delta of the Godavari River, known for its rich greenery, coconut forests, and picturesque conduits. The locale is additionally popular for its wealthy social legacy, agricultural practices, and aquaculture.

The Konaseema region comprises several towns and villages, including Amalapuram, Kothapeta, Ravulapalem, Mandapeta, and others. The region’s economy is primarily based on farming, with rice being the main crop, and aquaculture, with shrimp farming being the foremost critical industry.

The people of Konaseema primarily speak Telugu, and their interesting tongue is distinct from the standard Telugu language spoken elsewhere in Andhra Pradesh. The region includes a wealthy social legacy, with conventional dance forms like Kuchipudi and Dappu being prevalent. The region is additionally domestic to a few sanctuaries and devout sites, counting the Sri Golingeswara Swamy Temple in Rajahmundry and the Sri Veereswara Swamy Temple in Muramalla.

Konaseema is additionally known for its coconut plantations, which are among the biggest in India. The region’s cooking is popular for its seafood dishes, particularly prawns and fish curry.

Tourism is an essential part of the Konaseema region’s economy, with guests pulled into its picturesque conduits, temples, and characteristic excellence. The Konaseema Shoreline could be a well-known traveler spot, with its brilliant sands and crystal-clear waters.

Konaseema is a lovely and socially wealthy locale in Andhra Pradesh, known for its beautiful magnificence, wealthy agrarian practices, and exciting culture. It is a great goal for guests looking to investigate the state’s history, culture, and natural beauty.

Using the Konaseema district map you will know more about the Konaseema district in detail. You can also check the Mumbai local train map and the Ernakulam district map.

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